Saturday, November 30, 2024

Still going to school even though I died. (dream)

Image by Midjourney

I'm a ghost. But I still have exams to sit for. I'm in a school, and one of the test administrators can see me and some of the other test-taking ghosts. She guides me to my seat so I can take the test so I can get a good career. 


I wake up and go down the stairs. My mother is sitting at the dining room table eating breakfast. We have a nice conversation about the upcoming day when I realize this is wrong. She's not supposed to be alive. This isn't real. 

Then I wake up and I prepare to go downstairs. I meet my mom down there. I prepare breakfast and she prepares for the day. Then I realize: she's not supposed to be alive. This is a dream.

Then I wake up and I wait for my mother to come home and come into my room. I've got to do something before she gets here. Then I realize: she's not supposed to be alive. I'm in another dream.

This happens several more times before I actually wake up and realize that my mother is, in reality, not alive. 


My mother recently passed away. I was taking some classes while she was sick, and even before then, it just felt like never-ending homework and exams and busy work. I felt dead inside. I dropped some classes when she got sick. I dropped all of them when she died. 

The extra time I gained from dropping everything I was doing is necessary to take care of her estate, but I can sense that I'm having a very hard time emotionally processing her death. It doesn't feel real. I think I'm having some kind of existential crisis on top of grieving her. 

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Satyr Plays 2 giveaway today & tomorrow! (news)

Image by Midjourney


A bed of pine needles is so soft

until I touch it with bare skin.

A ray of sunshine is so warm 

until it's piercing me in the eyes.

Wild turkeys are so majestic

until I grab one with bare hands.

(Just out of curiosity--not to eat)

Please don't forget that you can download Satyr Plays 2 for Kindle for free today (Thanksgiving) and tomorrow (Black Friday)!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

eBook giveaway! Satyr Plays 2: a collection of humorous, adult short stories. (news)

ThankChristmas is here! Image by Midjourney.

Hello! I hope you are enjoying the crisp, cool weather, the warm nostalgia, and the comfort of good friends and family this holiday season. 

The Satyr Plays 2 eBook is out. You can read a description, read a sample, or even purchase the eBook for Kindle for $6.99 right now at the link provided above. Please note that this book is for adults and has a lot of explicit content, even in the sample. 

In my opinion, it is not necessary to have read anything else in the Lost Atlantis/Satyr Plays universe to be able to pick up on what's going on in this book (although it will help). 

I've scheduled two eBook giveaways: one to celebrate Thanksgiving and one to celebrate Christmas. The eBook will be 100% free to download from Amazon on the following dates:

November 28 & 29
December 25, 26, 27


The sales run from 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. 

I recommend clicking "Buy now with 1-Click" instead of "Read for free." "Read for free" is for some kind of subscription service, whereas "Buy now" will allow you to download a more permanent copy to your Kindle. If the price says $0.00, you shouldn't be charged anything.

If you like the book, leaving a review would help me out, but mainly, I just want people to read it! I had a lot of fun writing it, and I hope it's fun to read. 

I received a proof of the paperback in the mail today, and it still needed some work, so I haven't released that yet. (I put extra spaces between the paragraphs that weren't there in the first book, and I wanted them to match. And that led to having to redo the paperback cover.)

I am also in the middle of putting together an audiobook which I narrate myself. I really wish I could do a giveaway or set a lower price for the audiobook, but Audible controls pricing and doesn't do giveaways as far as I can tell. So that's going to be for sale at the regular price. I used better sound equipment for this audiobook, so I think it's going to be an improvement over the first Satyr Plays


Friday, November 1, 2024

Cover reveal for Satyr Plays 2! (news)


Hello my friends,

I've been away for a while. I've had some very serious issues that I've needed to go through offline, but I've kept working on my comedy writing. I do anticipate releasing Satyr Plays 2 this month or in December. Satyr Plays is the comedic alternate universe for my Lost Atlantis series. 

There will be an eBook giveaway! So please check back later to see updates about that.

I'm currently working on the following formats for Satyr Plays 2: paperback, eBook, and audiobook. All will eventually be made available on Amazon.

Don't eat too much leftover Halloween candy!