Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Grocery store bags that are poisoning everyone. (dream)

Image by Midjourney

I dreamed about my Amazon wishlist again. I guess that's not too surprising since I often surf Amazon at night on my phone up until the second I can no longer keep my eyes open. 

In this dream, I was watching people bag groceries at a self checkout. They were all using plastic bags. A voice over talked about about how plastic bags are made with chlorine gas, and they're slowly poisoning everyone who's using them. It's seeping through cardboard and saran wrap and people's clothes are picking up the poison, and it's all perfectly legal. No one intends to change this any time soon.

In real life, I've spent the last couple of days debating whether or not to buy one or another pack of 6-18 reusable nylon bags. In my city, there's no ordinance against plastic bags, but some individual stores will charge you for plastic bags. Reusing nylon bags also just seems a lot nicer for the environment. 

Plus, I will get to shop and spend money if I buy these nylon bags! So I really want to do it. (Let's just forget about the fact that I have at least five reusable totes already.)