Friday, May 17, 2024

Spiritual experiences while on drugs. (rant)

Image by Midjourney

I haven't really been having dreams that would be interesting to share, lately, but I watched a Theo Von podcast with author Robert Greene today, and they talked about spiritual experiences with drugs. That got me thinking about a dream-like state I was in while under general anesthesia for a surgery a couple years ago. I would describe it as a spiritual experience. 

A nurse gave me a little cloth pouch with pink roses for my glasses after they wheeled me to the operating area. (I had forgotten to leave the glasses in my room.) I was having my period, and was nervous about this, but they assured me that it was okay. 

I drifted off to sleep and was transported to a world in which I revisited all the major people who had harmed me in life up to that point. I saw what was going on in their lives at the time, and I forgave them, one by one as I observed. I even felt a kind of platonic love for each of them, as fellow beings in this world. 

By the time I woke up, I had to have gone through dozens, and dozens, and dozens of people who I had been really upset at. I definitely felt as though I had left some kind of eternal afterlife and come back to the regular world. 

I wonder if this advanced state of understanding is what death will be like, or if the drugs I took just make some people feel extra generous towards others. But I described what happened to the healthcare workers, and they didn't make it seem like this is a common experience under this drug. 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Earth will be destroyed. (dream)

Image by Midjourney

I have a really fortunate, blessed life in many ways. I'm pretty happy, even if things aren't perfect. But not everyone in my life is doing well, and it really saddens me. More than anything, I guess it makes me feel helpless.

My friend's story really isn't mine to tell, but I do think it's okay for me to talk about a dream I had about him. After all, my dreams are my life. 


The Earth is about to be annihilated by asteroids showering down on it uncontrollably. We all need to get into rockets to leave the Earth--to go and try something new and different and alien (and very difficult, probably). 

My house is a rocket. It's about to lift off along with everyone else. 

I look out my window, and I see my friend arguing viciously with one of his family members. The family member seems to want him to just stay on the Earth, even though he'll die. 

Time is running out. The ground is shaking. Burning rocks fall from the sky. 

At the last possible moment, I see my friend leave the argument in frustration, get into his car, and drive like hell to what I know must be one of the nearby, publicly available rockets anyone can get into. I know he'll most likely be safe, and I'll see him when we get to the next stage of our lives.


This dream gave me a lot of peace, because I believe it's my intuition telling me that my friend has the will to fight to live. That was really worrying me the night before. A mutual friend of ours also had a dream about the situation, but it was less optimistic.

I just hope my intuition is right. 

You can never blame yourself for someone's deciding to end their life, but I think it's important to remember the members of your community who are suffering, and be there if you can. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Update to the "Books" page! (news)

Image by Midjourney

Hi there,

I just wanted to let y'all know that I have added descriptions of each series to the "Books" tab of the blog.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

How I wrote "Satyr Plays" (in video format)!

Hi, friends!

I made a short video about my artistic process when writing Satyr Plays. It's on YouTube for now. (I keep changing my mind about the value in posting on social media.)