Monday, September 25, 2023

Lots of little dreams versus one big one. (dream)

Image by Midjourney

I've been having a lot of simple, short dreams revolving around one idea at a time versus going on one, big long dream adventure. 

One night, the concept was playing a video game. Another night, it was hanging out with someone from another country and considering correcting a note they wrote in English. 

Do they want me to? I don't know. It might just be frustrating instead of helpful to hear someone nitpicking your speech in another language if you're not mentally and emotionally prepared to receive a critique. 

Another night, I dreamed about a childhood idea for Lost Atlantis in which the characters are aliens which look like humans but can shape shift into another animal. 

I dreamed about being attractive all of a sudden when I switched genders.

I dreamed about an "angel" roleplaying fetish community. I found out about it when an attractive young man beside me was getting his wings out of the trunk of his car. And I jokingly, then no so jokingly thought of encouraging my friend to join.

Last night, I was half asleep, half awake after binge watching 30 Rock on my phone, and guest star Kelsey Grammer and I were about to announce to the press that we had both pierced our throats with safety pins and everyone should congratulate us, because we're so happy. 

Could that be my sleep apnea talking? Is my sleep apnea so bad that my dreams are suggesting I could do with a tracheotomy? 

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