Thursday, October 12, 2023

My hip hop love story. (dream)

Image by Midjourney


I'm young--maybe 18 or 19, and I am in a Borders Books store. I work here, but there's also a special event going on. A bunch of musical artists and producers and big names in the music industry are here. 

I bump into a young man my age who is an aspiring rapper. I'm an aspiring singer. He's kind of into me, and I think he's okay. We get together, and the best part of our relationship is making music--either together or separately. 

He becomes quite famous--much more so than me. I spend most of my time with our baby. 

I'm talking with my mother and I describe my relationship and how I'm spending most of my time going to church now. And if he wants me and the baby to disappear so he can explore his newfound success, we'll get out of his life, and I'll never see him again. I describe to my dad that he has a good heart, but he's very childish, or perhaps mostly just child-like. I have too much self-respect to be cheated on and taken for granted. I have no evidence that he's cheating on me, but the spark is gone, so I worry. And I've let myself go as time has gone on. 

I'm suddenly middle aged and heavy, but I love myself unconditionally and expect to be treated well. I am not attached to the outcome of this confrontation. 

I meet my husband again in a Safeway, and he's surprised I feel neglected and wants to continue the relationship. It looks like I was right about him having a good heart.


I think I had this dream, which felt a lot like a genre, hip hop movie to me, because I keep seeing news clips talking about how there's new evidence in the Tupac Shakur case. 

I'm not exactly sure where all the determination to be treated well in a relationship comes from. Maybe it's my therapy rubbing off. I did see a former therapist flash across the dream screen. I knew that was the standard she'd hold her relationships to, and I knew that was what I needed to do as well.

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