Wednesday, March 20, 2024

I am star struck and miss my opportunity to make an impression. (dream)

Image by Midjourney


I'm supposed to meet my best friend and his husband at this large mall, but I only see the husband. I touch base with him, and then I go to change my clothes in the bathroom. 

I'm mid-change in a very, very short bathroom stall where you can see everything, when a small, young Asian woman walks in holding a resume. She seems really discouraged and says, "I can't believe the positions that require a professional degree these days!"

As she talks a little more, I'm directly under the impression that she applied for the job I trained for with my master's degree.  

I say, "You know, I got a master's degree in that field, and it's really easy to earn." (I edited this dialogue to conceal the name of the program.)

She seems to think things over, and leaves me to do my thing.

Unfortunately, I turn around, and I'm completely confused about where my clothes went. My brown skirt with little brown lace accents is still hanging there on a hook, but the top seems to be missing. It takes about 10 minutes for me to figure out that my top is there--it's just not the top I remembered bringing. It's tie dyed neon yellow and pink.

I get changed, and hang out with the husband while we wait for my friend. He eventually arrives, and we go to the main event: meeting Louis C.K.

We aren't just meeting him--we are having a private, one-on-one dinner with the famous comedian! I sit at the table with him, and he is so personable and affable. And I just go completely blank. I desperately want to say something that will make me useful or helpful to the man--something he would like me for, or remember me for, but nothing comes to mind no matter how much I scramble for conversational material. 

There's a newspaper on the table advertising other acts in the area, and one of them mentions Batman and a dog. Didn't Louis C.K. do a comedic bit with Batman? He did, and it was one of my favorites! Can't I think of something to say about that?!

I just watch, helplessly, as Louis C.K. smiles and talks like a normal, friendly human being to my friend and his husband. I have nothing to say and I'm almost starting to panic about not taking this opportunity to describe how much his work impacted me and how much I adore him. He gets up and leaves the table for a moment, and it's just a sad preview of the future when he'll leave for good and I'll have missed my opportunity.  


The thing I take away the most from this dream is how I really wanted to buy an autographed poster from Louis C.K.'s website. It (is still) only $100 (you can see the deal here), but I felt as though it would be irresponsible for me to spend grocery money on something I really don't have the space to frame and hang up anyway. But it feels like a missed opportunity to support one of my favorite celebrities and get something really cool in return. 

Also, my master's degree still feels kind of senseless. I don't see why organizations will often require these super expensive degrees. It seems unnecessary to me, and I regret my life choices sometimes (often).

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