Sunday, June 4, 2023

Do I lose people, or do people lose me? (dream)


I'm at the church I grew up in, and an improvisational jazz musician tentatively begins to play the keyboard. A lady joins him on another keyboard. Soon, another lady joins.

We go through a series of several other skits and recitals in various languages: Spanish, German--probably French... Languages and art forms I don't recognize.

A choir wearing mostly high heels performs.

As my family exits the sanctuary into the foyer, my mother remarks that I will lose my friend's phone number. I say my own number will remain unchanged, so she will be able to find me when I'm older.

We go throughout the church talking. First about how to buy a house. Then, I see the choir director chewing out the choir for complaining about the use of high heels.

One lady says, "I could wear heels too, if I had a horse."

Then I see the choir director is a man on a horse wearing modestly high, thick heels.


The thing I take away the most from this dream is the part about the phone number. I think I'm  increasingly unbothered by people's rejection and abandonment. Is it really possible to lose people, or were you just not right for each other? I don't know anyone else's circumstances or thought processes, but I do know my own worth. I'm a decent friend/worker to have around. But at the same time, I wonder if I'm not putting enough effort into keeping in contact with the people I find who I really like. Am I just expecting other people to reach out to me? 

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