Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Feeling excited about change. (news)

I think I'm getting over something traumatic that happened to me a year ago, because I'm working on some new techniques with my therapist, and it's loosening up nightmares about that event. I've just been left feeling quite sad for a few weeks versus feeling extra spicy like I'd been feeling for a couple of months after the initial trauma.

I'm really enjoying life between these sad moments. I kind of feel guilty for it too. I feel as though I should be working at a job I hate somewhere, but instead, I'm enjoying reading, writing, and I've been rekindling my interest in visual art. 

I don't know where I should share the art I make when I make it though. If I were business savvy, I'd probably open up an art store/portfolio online, do shows, make business cards, etc. But I've done that in the past, and I find that no one buys anything, and it attracts people who want you to make artsy things for them for free. It's kind of weird, because they usually express a lot of criticism about it at the same time. It's as though they don't like it, but want it anyway. 

Anyway. I've finished the second draft of the last book in my Lost Atlantis series, and I've decided to attempt something I'm calling Satyr Plays, which will probably be comedic short stories based on the Lost Atlantis series. 

I am extremely worried that I can't be consistently funny. In my life, I enjoy making people chuckle, and am successful at making that happen sometimes, but it's not like consistently writing humor. That sounds like one of the toughest things in the world to me. But making people laugh is, for me, one of the most satisfying things one could hope to do aside from something like curing a disease or advancing quantum mechanics. So Satyr Plays may never see the light of day, but I'm going to try my best to try and figure out how to write humor. I'm enrolling in autodidactic clown college. 

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