Sunday, June 9, 2024

Iceland floods. (dream)

Image by Midjourney


I've gone on several summer trips to Iceland with my best friend--not mainly to see my parents, but my parents do have a house here. I'm sure my parents' house is horribly cluttered and neglected. They don't really want me hanging out there, and I don't want to be there either. So I always just pass by its exterior. It's gray-green on a grassy hill with some other houses.

But then one day, I look up their house on Google Maps and look inside. It's beautiful. It's clean. It's well-decorated. It almost looks like they hired an interior decorator. I can't believe it.

The next summer though, all of Iceland is completely flooded. I swim to my parents' house. It's underwater. There's a little stoat or a weasel swimming in the flooded grass with me and my best friend. I guess my parents' house is done for.


I think many people's parents change when they move out of their house. To me, it seemed like my parents were happier, and they weren't hurting anybody (me), so in my mind, they took on a cute, harmless old couple quality that they didn't have before. 

But that time has passed for them (the house got flooded) since my father has passed away. 

The next day, I was supposed to wake up early, but I had a series of dreams that attempted to persuade me to stay in bed. There's something a little creepy about your own sleep trying to lure you into staying with it when it's in your best interest to leave. 

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