Friday, June 28, 2024

Invasion of the gamer friend. (dream)

Image by Midjourney


I'm watching a guy talk to someone on his cell phone. He's talking to some unknown guy who is in the process of invading his apartment. He has no idea who this person is, but the invader just seems to be messing with his gaming system. The guy I'm watching is very busy, so he just wants this guy to get out of his apartment.

The invader sounds like he might be kind of high. He's rambling in a very casual, laid-back manner, and has some good points about the game (philosophically-speaking). 

The guy I'm watching gets home, and says, "I'm shutting my eyes. I don't want to know who you are--just go." 

But the invader insists on making himself known. He doesn't leave, and continues rambling. "Oh yeah-most importantly, you reminded me of this guy!" He refers to a Groot-like animated character on a winter background. He's holding up the picture. 

Of course, the apartment owner opens his eyes. It's a friend of his. He tries to ease the discomfort between them. I don't think he thought that what his friend did was cool, but he's not going to get bent out of shape about it. 

But then I see the movie he's making. He's rehearsing with a funny, female friend of his. It's a drama. I really like what the girl is doing. I can peer into her acting process. But his character gets shot on March 2nd, and I can't help but feel that the creepy invading friend is going to make something dramatic happen that day. The guy feels it too. He's worried. 


Relationships are complicated. Even friendships are complicated. Your friends are probably going to do some things you don't approve of. And I think what's most scary about this is how you realize your ability to predict the future is clearly off. You had faith that this person was going to act in a certain way that doesn't offend your sensibilities, and they surprise you. Now you have to consider how what they're doing is going to affect your life and your limited time and resources, not just now, but in the future. But they could always surprise you again by changing. And there's always a chance that you're learning the wrong lessons when a person reveals themselves to you. 

I think this dream is just anxiety about that sort of thing. 

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