Friday, July 19, 2024

Visiting a giant hippie house. (dream)

Image by Midjourney


I show up one night at a huge, home-like building lit with incandescent bulbs to meet with a friend. He's found the people he wants to dedicate at least the next several years of his life to: they're right here in this building all around us. I find him at one end of the building, and he greets me enthusiastically. He looks so happy to be here. 

We walk through the building, and he seems so passionate about the place. I meet with another friend, and we go off together to explore the place. There are cafes, stores, booths that sell crafts, and places to sit and talk. There's art on the walls. All around us, people are having interesting conversations--mostly philosophical in nature. Some of these conversations contain controversial content. But although it's uncomfortable sometimes, it's also fresh and on the cutting-edge of modern thought. 

A girl with pink hair comes up to me and my friends and seems like she's going to get in my face about something that really doesn't have much to do with her, and I'm intimidated, but she doesn't end up doing much but flash her attitude. 


I discussed this dream with the friend in it, and he helped me realize that this dream is probably about the motorcycle violence inflicted on my car not too long ago. Because of that incident, I've been really considering just how badly I want to leave the house to get a cup of coffee. I associate all this hippie stuff like what was in the building in the dream when I think of my coffee shop habit. There's a little bit of danger when I decide to go out to this kind of place (the girl getting in my face in the dream and the motorcyclist in real life). 

Although it's tempting, I cannot allow myself to live in fear of leaving my house. Although there are always risks, it's not a war zone where I live--thankfully. A lot of the world is an actual war zone right now, which is tragic, and I'm very sorry it's happening. But I, personally, have a lot of freedom right now, and a pretty reasonable amount of safety, and it would be very sad not to appreciate and exercise that freedom while it's available. Because unfortunately, it's not available to everyone, and it's not guaranteed. 

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